DIN’s Accurate Measurement Reports

DIN offers roof and exterior measurement reports, designed using industry leading design tools to ensure precision and reliability. Our reports are delivered within 2–3-hours service level
agreement (SLA), providing fast and accurate data to meet your project needs efficiently. We ensure accuracy in roof dimensions, pitch, and structural details, enabling precise solar panel
layout and efficient installation planning.

  • Accurate Measurement Reports using leading Roofing Design Tools.
  • Jump Start & Rapid Scale up
  • Team operates real-time on 24/7 basis
  • Turnaround, starting from 30 minutes to overnight
  • Adaptable to client workflow and design tool preferences
  • Accurate Measurement Reports using leading Roofing Design Tools.
  • Jump Start & Rapid Scale up
  • Team operates real-time on 24/7 basis
  • Turnaround starting from 30 minutes to overnight
  • Adaptable to client workflow and design tool preferences
  • Precise and Accurate Measurement Reports
  • Jump Start & Rapid Scale up
  • Team operates real-time on 24/7 basis
  • Turnaround starting from 30 minutes to overnight
  • Precise and Accurate Measurement Reports
  • Jump Start & Rapid Scale up
  • Team operates real-time on 24/7 basis
  • Turnaround starting from 30 minutes to overnight

Why choose DIN for Roofing and Measurement Services

Roof & Exterior measurement reports streamline the measuring and estimating process by providing contractors, architects, engineers, insurance carriers, and others with accurate, cost-effective, and timely takeoff reports. You can trust our high-quality roof measurements and diagrams. Businesses involved in exterior construction repair or project estimation can benefit from our advanced aerial measurement service. Our takeoff reports are generated using the latest aerial satellite imagery and software, ensuring accurate, blueprint-based results.
DIN provides tailored proposals which meets specific project needs, accommodating diverse roof types and installation requirements seamlessly.

  • Trusted by Solar installers and roofing companies Nationwide
  • Jump start and rapid scale up
  • Turnaround starting from 30 minutes to overnight
  • Adaptable to client workflow and design tool preferences
  • Agile Updates to Processes
  • Performance Driven Operations – Quality & SLA

Our Other Services


Evacuation Plans


Telecom Drafting Services


CAFM/IWMS Polylining


EV Charging Station Plan Sets


Solar Design Service